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Introduction to U.S. Corporate Bonds

Trading Course
Level Beginner

In this course, IBKR senior market analyst Steven Levine provides essential details about the U.S. corporate bond market, including the types of securities investors typically encounter such as secured and unsecured notes. We'll also offer you some tools to enable you to obtain a better understanding of the risks involved with corporate bonds and how they may be mitigated, as well as recent developments that have helped shape market dynamics. Lastly, we'll walk you through the IBKR Trader Workstation's Global Bond Scanner, where you can locate certain corporate bonds in the secondary market, create charts and conduct due diligence to help inform your investment decisions.

Lesson #2

Default Risk

This lesson highlights the importance of default risk for corporate bond investors and ways in which it may be addressed.

This lesson illustrates the complexities of conducting fundamental analysis using an example of a corporate bond offered during the Covid-19 pandemic.

This lesson homes in on how interest rates affect the value, and ultimately the supply and demand levels, of corporate bonds, as well as how certain central banks have had a significant influence over activity in the market.

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