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Finance Courses

Traders’ Academy offers several courses centered on using the Trader Workstation (TWS) Application Programming Interface (API), including its use with the computer programming languages Python and R, as well as more basic functions such as using the Microsoft Excel application with TWS to manage an IBKR trading account, and automate trading. Also, learn how Interactive Brokers enables trading, monitoring, and managing IBKR accounts by using a single RESTful API. Lessons in this Web API course include how to code an IB algo order in the Web API, how to code a bracket order in the Web API, and how to code a fractional shares order in the Web API, and much more.

Excel and the TWS API
Level Beginner

Excel and the TWS API

This course covers the API basics and how you can use Excel together with TWS to manage your account and automate your trading. You can follow along with our samples and test it out for yourself using your paper trading account.

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