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TWS API Error Messages

Understanding Message Codes

The TWS uses the EWrapper.error method not only to deliver errors but also warnings or informative messages. This is done mostly for simplicity’s sake. Below is a table with all the messages which can be sent by the TWS/IB Gateway. All messages delivered by the TWS are usually accompanied by a brief but meaningful description pointing in the direction of the problem.

Remember that the TWS API simply connects to a running TWS/IB Gateway which most of times will be running on your local network if not in the same host as the client application. It is your responsibility to provide reliable connectivity between the TWS and your client application.

System Message Codes

The messages in the table below are not a consequence of any action performed by the client application. They are notifications about the connectivity status between the TWS and our servers. Your client application must pay special attention to them and handle the situation accordingly. You are very likely to loose connectivity to our servers at least once a day due to our daily server maintenance downtime as clearly detailed in our Current System Status page. Note that after the system reset, the TWS/IB Gateway will automatically reconnect to our servers and you can resume your operations normally.

Important: during a reset period, there may be an interruption in the ability to log in or manage orders. Existing orders (native types) will operate normally although execution reports and simulated orders will be delayed until the reset is complete. It is not recommended to operate during the scheduled reset times.

Code TWS message Additional notes
1100 Connectivity between IB and the TWS has been lost. Your TWS/IB Gateway has been disconnected from IB servers. This can occur because of an internet connectivity issue, a nightly reset of the IB servers, or a competing session.
1101 Connectivity between IB and TWS has been restored- data lost.* The TWS/IB Gateway has successfully reconnected to IB’s servers. Your market data requests have been lost and need to be re-submitted.
1102 Connectivity between IB and TWS has been restored- data maintained. The TWS/IB Gateway has successfully reconnected to IB’s servers. Your market data requests have been recovered and there is no need for you to re-submit them.
1300 TWS socket port has been reset and this connection is being dropped. Please reconnect on the new port – <port_num> The port number in the TWS/IBG settings has been changed during an active API connection.

Error Codes

Code TWS message Additional notes
100 Max rate of messages per second has been exceeded. The client application has exceeded the rate of 50 messages/second. The TWS will likely disconnect the client application after this message.
101 Max number of tickers has been reached. “The current number of active market data subscriptions in TWS and the API altogether has been exceeded. This number is calculated based on a formula which is based on the equity, commissions, and quote booster packs in an account. Active lines can be checked in Tws using the Ctrl-Alt-= combination”
102 Duplicate ticker ID. A market data request used a ticker ID which is already in use by an active request.
103 Duplicate order ID. An order was placed with an order ID that is less than or equal to the order ID of a previous order from this client
104 Can’t modify a filled order. An attempt was made to modify an order which has already been filled by the system.
105 Order being modified does not match original order. An order was placed with an order ID of a currently open order but basic parameters differed (aside from quantity or price fields)
106 Can’t transmit order ID:
107 Cannot transmit incomplete order. Order is missing a required field.
109 Price is out of the range defined by the Percentage setting at order defaults frame. The order will not be transmitted. Price entered is outside the range of prices set in TWS or IB Gateway Order Precautionary Settings
110 The price does not conform to the minimum price variation for this contract. An entered price field has more digits of precision than is allowed for this particular contract. Minimum increment information can be found on the IB Contracts and Securities Search page.
111 The TIF (Tif type) and the order type are incompatible. The time in force specified cannot be used with this order type. Please refer to order tickets in TWS for allowable combinations.
113 The Tif option should be set to DAY for MOC and LOC orders. Market-on-close or Limit-on-close orders should be sent with time in force set to ‘DAY’
114 Relative orders are valid for stocks only. This error is deprecated.
115 “Relative orders for US stocks can only be submitted to SMART, SMART_ECN, INSTINET, or PRIMEX.” This error is deprecated.
116 The order cannot be transmitted to a dead exchange. Exchange field is invalid.
117 The block order size must be at least 50.
118 VWAP orders must be routed through the VWAP exchange.
119 Only VWAP orders may be placed on the VWAP exchange. “When an order is routed to the VWAP exchange, the type of the order must be defined as ‘VWAP’.”
120 It is too late to place a VWAP order for today. The cutoff has passed for the current day to place VWAP orders.
121 “Invalid BD flag for the order. Check “”Destination”” and “”BD”” flag.” This error is deprecated.
122 No request tag has been found for order:
123 No record is available for conid: The specified contract ID cannot be found. This error is deprecated.
124 No market rule is available for conid:
125 Buy price must be the same as the best asking price.
126 Sell price must be the same as the best bidding price.
129 VWAP orders must be submitted at least three minutes before the start time. The start time specified in the VWAP order is less than 3 minutes after when it is placed.
131 “The sweep-to-fill flag and display size are only valid for US stocks routed through SMART, and will be ignored.”
132 This order cannot be transmitted without a clearing account.
133 Submit new order failed.
134 Modify order failed.
135 Can’t find order with ID = An attempt was made to cancel an order not currently in the system.
136 This order cannot be cancelled. “An attempt was made to cancel an order than cannot be cancelled, for instance because”
137 VWAP orders can only be cancelled up to three minutes before the start time.
138 Could not parse ticker request:
139 Parsing error: Error in command syntax generated parsing error.
140 The size value should be an integer: The size field in the Order class has an invalid type.
141 The price value should be a double: A price field in the Order type has an invalid type.
142 Institutional customer account does not have account info
143 Requested ID is not an integer number. The IDs used in API requests must be integer values.
144 “Order size does not match total share allocation. To adjust the share allocation, right-click on the order and select “Modify > Share Allocation.â€?”
145 Error in validating entry fields – An error occurred with the syntax of a request field.
146 Invalid trigger method. The trigger method specified for a method such as stop or trail stop was not one of the allowable methods.
147 The conditional contract info is incomplete.
148 A conditional order can only be submitted when the order type is set to limit or market. This error is deprecated.
151 This order cannot be transmitted without a user name. In DDE the user name is a required field in the place order command.
152 “The “”hidden”” order attribute may not be specified for this order.” The order in question cannot be placed as a hidden order. See-
153 EFPs can only be limit orders. This error is deprecated.
154 Orders cannot be transmitted for a halted security. A security was halted for trading when an order was placed.
155 A sizeOp order must have a user name and account. This error is deprecated.
156 A SizeOp order must go to IBSX This error is deprecated.
157 An order can be EITHER Iceberg or Discretionary. Please remove either the Discretionary amount or the Display size. In the Order class extended attributes the fields ‘Iceberg’ and ‘Discretionary’ cannot
158 You must specify an offset amount or a percent offset value. TRAIL and TRAIL STOP orders must have an absolute offset amount or offset percentage specified.
159 The percent offset value must be between 0% and 100%. A percent offset value was specified outside the allowable range of 0% and 100%.
160 The size value cannot be zero. The size of an order must be a positive quantity.
161 Cancel attempted when order is not in a cancellable state. Order permId = An attempt was made to cancel an order not active at the time.
162 Historical market data Service error message.
163 The price specified would violate the percentage constraint specified in the default order settings. The order price entered is outside the allowable range specified in the Order Precautionary Settings of TWS or IB Gateway
164 There is no market data to check price percent violations. No market data is available for the specified contract to determine whether the specified price is outside the price percent precautionary order setting.
165 Historical market Data Service query message. “There was an issue with a historical data request, such is no such data in IB’s database. Note this message is not specific to the API.”
166 HMDS Expired Contract Violation. Historical data is not available for the specified expired contract.
167 VWAP order time must be in the future. The start time of a VWAP order has already passed.
168 Discretionary amount does not conform to the minimum price variation for this contract. The discretionary field is specified with a number of degrees of precision higher than what is allowed for a specified contract.
200 No security definition has been found for the request. “The specified contract does not match any in IB’s database, usually because of an incorrect or missing parameter.”
200 The contract description specified for is ambiguous Ambiguity may occur when the contract definition provided is not unique.
200 “For some stocks that has the same Symbol, Currency and Exchange, you need to specify the IBApi.Contract.PrimaryExch attribute to avoid ambiguity. Please refer to a sample stock contract here.”
200 “For futures that has multiple multipliers for the same expiration, You need to specify the IBApi.Contract.Multiplier attribute to avoid ambiguity. Please refer to a sample futures contract here.”
201 Order rejected – Reason: An attempted order was rejected by the IB servers. See Order Placement Considerations for additional information/considerations for these errors.
202 Order cancelled – Reason: An active order on the IB server was cancelled. See Order Placement Considerations for additional information/considerations for these errors.
203 The security is not available or allowed for this account. The specified security has a trading restriction with a specific account.
300 Can’t find EId with ticker Id: An attempt was made to cancel market data for a ticker ID that was not associated with a current subscription. With the DDE API this occurs by clearing the spreadsheet cell.
301 Invalid ticker action:
302 Error parsing stop ticker string:
303 Invalid action: An action field was specified that is not available for the account. For most accounts this is only BUY or SELL. Some institutional accounts also have the options SSHORT or SLONG available.
304 Invalid account value action:
305 “Request parsing error, the request has been ignored.” The syntax of a DDE request is invalid.
306 Error processing DDE request: An issue with a DDE request prevented it from processing.
307 Invalid request topic: The ‘topic’ field in a DDE request is invalid.
308 Unable to create the ‘API’ page in TWS as the maximum number of pages already exists. “An order placed from the API will automatically open a new page in classic TWS, however there are already the maximum number of pages open.”
309 “Max number (3) of market depth requests has been reached. Note: TWS currently limits users to a maximum of 3 distinct market depth requests. This same restriction applies to API clients, however API clients may make multiple market depth requests for the same security.”
310 Can’t find the subscribed market depth with tickerId: An attempt was made to cancel market depth for a ticker not currently active.
311 The origin is invalid. The origin field specified in the Order class is invalid.
312 The combo details are invalid. Combination contract specified has invalid parameters.
313 The combo details for leg ” are invalid. A combo leg was not defined correctly.
314 Security type ‘BAG’ requires combo leg details. When specifying security type as ‘BAG’ make sure to also add combo legs with details.
315 Stock combo legs are restricted to SMART order routing. Make sure to specify ‘SMART’ as an exchange when using stock combo contracts.
316 Market depth data has been HALTED. Please re-subscribe. You need to re-subscribe to start receiving market depth data again.
317 Market depth data has been RESET. Please empty deep book contents before applying any new entries.
319 Invalid log level Make sure that you are setting a log level to a value in range of 1 to 5.
320 Server error when reading an API client request.
321 Server error when validating an API client request.
322 Server error when processing an API client request.
323 Server error: cause – s
324 Server error when reading a DDE client request (missing information). Make sure that you have specified all the needed information for your request.
325 Discretionary orders are not supported for this combination of exchange and order type. Make sure that you are specifying a valid combination of exchange and order type for the discretionary order.
326 Unable to connect as the client id is already in use. Retry with a unique client id. Another client application is already connected with the specified client id.
327 Only API connections with clientId set to 0 can set the auto bind TWS orders property.
328 Trailing stop orders can be attached to limit or stop-limit orders only. Indicates attempt to attach trail stop to order which was not a limit or stop-limit.
329 Order modify failed. Cannot change to the new order type. You are not allowed to modify initial order type to the specific order type you are using.
330 Only FA or STL customers can request managed accounts list. Make sure that your account type is either FA or STL.
331 Internal error. FA or STL does not have any managed accounts. You do not have any managed accounts.
332 The account codes for the order profile are invalid. You need to check that the account codes you specified for your request are valid.
333 Invalid share allocation syntax.
334 Invalid Good Till Date order Check you order settings.
335 Invalid delta: The delta must be between 0 and 100.
336 “The time or time zone is invalid. The correct format is hh:mm:ss xxx where xxx is an optionally specified time-zone. E.g.: 15:59:00 EST Note that there is a space between the time and the time zone. If no time zone is specified, local time is assumed.”
337 “The date, time, or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss xxx where yyyymmdd and xxx are optional. E.g.: 20031126 15:59:00 ESTNote that there is a space between the date and time, and between the time and time-zone.”
338 Good After Time orders are currently disabled on this exchange.
339 Futures spread are no longer supported. Please use combos instead.
340 Invalid improvement amount for box auction strategy.
341 “Invalid delta. Valid values are from 1 to 100. You can set the delta from the “”Pegged to Stock”” section of the Order Ticket Panel, or by selecting Page/Layout from the main menu and adding the Delta column.”
342 Pegged order is not supported on this exchange. You can review all order types and supported exchanges on the Order Types and Algos page.
343 “The date, time, or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss xxx”
344 The account logged into is not a financial advisor account. You are trying to perform an action that is only available for the financial advisor account.
345 Generic combo is not supported for FA advisor account.
346 Not an institutional account or an away clearing account.
347 Short sale slot value must be 1 (broker holds shares) or 2 (delivered from elsewhere). Make sure that your slot value is either 1 or 2.
348 Order not a short sale – type must be SSHORT to specify short sale slot. Make sure that the action you specified is ‘SSHORT’.
349 “Generic combo does not support “”Good After”” attribute.”
350 Minimum quantity is not supported for best combo order.
351 “The “”Regular Trading Hours only”” flag is not valid for this order.”
352 Short sale slot value of 2 (delivered from elsewhere) requires location. You need to specify designatedLocation for your order.
353 Short sale slot value of 1 requires no location be specified. You do not need to specify designatedLocation for your order.
354 Not subscribed to requested market data. You do not have live market data available in your account for the specified instruments. For further details please refer to Streaming Market Data.
355 Order size does not conform to market rule. Check order size parameters for the specified contract from the TWS Contract Details.
356 Smart-combo order does not support OCA group. Remove OCA group from your order.
357 Your client version is out of date.
358 Smart combo child order not supported.
359 Combo order only supports reduce on fill without block(OCA).
360 No whatif check support for smart combo order. Pre-trade commissions and margin information is not available for this type of order.
361 Invalid trigger price.
362 Invalid adjusted stop price.
363 Invalid adjusted stop limit price.
364 Invalid adjusted trailing amount.
365 No scanner subscription found for ticker id: Scanner market data subscription request with this ticker id has either been cancelled or is not found.
366 No historical data query found for ticker id: Historical market data request with this ticker id has either been cancelled or is not found.
367 Volatility type if set must be 1 or 2 for VOL orders. Do not set it for other order types.
368 Reference Price Type must be 1 or 2 for dynamic volatility management. Do not set it for non-VOL orders.
369 Volatility orders are only valid for US options. Make sure that you are placing an order for US OPT contract.
370 “Dynamic Volatility orders must be SMART routed, or trade on a Price Improvement Exchange.”
371 VOL order requires positive floating point value for volatility. Do not set it for other order types.
372 Cannot set dynamic VOL attribute on non-VOL order. Make sure that your order type is ‘VOL’.
373 Can only set stock range attribute on VOL or RELATIVE TO STOCK order.
374 “If both are set, the lower stock range attribute must be less than the upper stock range attribute.”
375 Stock range attributes cannot be negative.
376 The order is not eligible for continuous update. The option must trade on a cheap-to-reroute exchange.
377 Must specify valid delta hedge order aux. price.
378 Delta hedge order type requires delta hedge aux. price to be specified. Make sure your order has delta attribute.
379 Delta hedge order type requires that no delta hedge aux. price be specified. Make sure you do not specify aux. delta hedge price.
380 This order type is not allowed for delta hedge orders. “Limit, Market or Relative orders are supported.”
381 Your DDE.dll needs to be upgraded.
382 The price specified violates the number of ticks constraint specified in the default order settings.
383 The size specified violates the size constraint specified in the default order settings.
384 Invalid DDE array request.
385 Duplicate ticker ID for API scanner subscription. Make sure you are using a unique ticker ID for your new scanner subscription.
386 Duplicate ticker ID for API historical data query. Make sure you are using a unique ticker ID for your new historical market data query.
387 Unsupported order type for this exchange and security type. You can review all order types and supported exchanges on the Order Types and Algos page.
388 Order size is smaller than the minimum requirement. Check order size parameters for the specified contract from the TWS Contract Details.
389 Supplied routed order ID is not unique.
390 Supplied routed order ID is invalid.
391 The time or time-zone entered is invalid. The correct format is hh:mm:ss xxx
392 Invalid order: contract expired. You can not place an order for the expired contract.
393 Short sale slot may be specified for delta hedge orders only.
394 Invalid Process Time: must be integer number of milliseconds between 100 and 2000. Found:
395 “Due to system problems, orders with OCA groups are currently not being accepted.” Check TWS bulletins for more information.
396 “Due to system problems, application is currently accepting only Market and Limit orders for this contract.” Check TWS bulletins for more information.
397 “Due to system problems, application is currently accepting only Market and Limit orders for this contract.”
398 cannot be used as a condition trigger. Please make sure that you specify a valid condition
399 Order message error
400 Algo order error.
401 Length restriction.
402 Conditions are not allowed for this contract. Condition order type does not support for this contract
403 Invalid stop price. The Stop Price you specified for the order is invalid for the contract
404 Shares for this order are not immediately available for short sale. The order will be held while we attempt to locate the shares. You order is held by the TWS because you are trying to sell a contract but you do not have any long position and the market does not have short sale available. You order will be transmitted once there is short sale available on the market
405 The child order quantity should be equivalent to the parent order size. This error is deprecated.
406 The currency is not allowed. Please specify a valid currency
407 The symbol should contain valid non-unicode characters only. Please check your contract Symbol
408 Invalid scale order increment.
409 Invalid scale order. You must specify order component size. ScaleInitLevelSize specified is invalid
410 Invalid subsequent component size for scale order. ScaleSubsLevelSize specified is invalid
411 “The “”Outside Regular Trading Hours”” flag is not valid for this order.” Trading outside of regular trading hours is not available for this security
412 The contract is not available for trading.
413 What-if order should have the transmit flag set to true. You need to set IBApi.Order.Transmit to TRUE
414 Snapshot market data subscription is not applicable to generic ticks. You must leave Generic Tick List to be empty when requesting snapshot market data
415 Wait until previous RFQ finishes and try again.
416 RFQ is not applicable for the contract. Order ID:
417 Invalid initial component size for scale order. ScaleInitLevelSize specified is invalid
418 Invalid scale order profit offset. ScaleProfitOffset specified is invalid
419 Missing initial component size for scale order. You need to specify the ScaleInitLevelSize
420 Invalid real-time query. Information about pacing violations
421 Invalid route. This error is deprecated.
422 The account and clearing attributes on this order may not be changed.
423 Cross order RFQ has been expired. THI committed size is no longer available. Please open order dialog and verify liquidity allocation.
424 FA Order requires allocation to be specified. This error is deprecated.
425 FA Order requires per-account manual allocations because there is no common clearing instruction. Please use order dialog Adviser tab to enter the allocation. This error is deprecated.
426 None of the accounts have enough shares. You are not able to enter short position with Cash Account
427 Mutual Fund order requires monetary value to be specified. This error is deprecated.
428 Mutual Fund Sell order requires shares to be specified. This error is deprecated.
429 Delta neutral orders are only supported for combos (BAG security type).
430 “We are sorry, but fundamentals data for the security specified is not available.”
431 What to show field is missing or incorrect. This error is deprecated.
432 Commission must not be negative. This error is deprecated.
433 “Invalid “”Restore size after taking profit”” for multiple account allocation scale order.”
434 The order size cannot be zero.
435 You must specify an account. The function you invoked only works on a single account
436 “You must specify an allocation (either a single account, group, or profile).” “When you try to place an order with a Financial Advisor account, you must specify the order to be routed to either a single account, a group, or a profile.”
437 Order can have only one flag Outside RTH or Allow PreOpen. This error is deprecated.
438 The application is now locked. This error is deprecated.
439 Order processing failed. Algorithm definition not found. Please double check your specification for IBApi.Order.AlgoStrategy and IBApi.Order.AlgoParams
440 Order modify failed. Algorithm cannot be modified.
441 Algo attributes validation failed: Please double check your specification for IBApi.Order.AlgoStrategy and IBApi.Order.AlgoParams
442 Specified algorithm is not allowed for this order.
443 Order processing failed. Unknown algo attribute. Specification for IBApi.Order.AlgoParams is incorrect
444 Volatility Combo order is not yet acknowledged. Cannot submit changes at this time. The order is not in a state that is able to be modified
445 The RFQ for this order is no longer valid.
446 Missing scale order profit offset. ScaleProfitOffset is not properly specified
447 Missing scale price adjustment amount or interval. ScalePriceAdjustValue or ScalePriceAdjustInterval is not specified properly
448 Invalid scale price adjustment interval. ScalePriceAdjustInterval specified is invalid
449 Unexpected scale price adjustment amount or interval. ScalePriceAdjustValue or ScalePriceAdjustInterval specified is invalid
501 Already Connected. Your client application is already connected to the TWS.
502 “Couldn’t connect to TWS. Confirm that “”Enable ActiveX and Socket Clients”” is enabled and connection port is the same as “”Socket Port”” on the TWS “”Edit->Global Configuration…->API->Settings”” menu.” When you receive this error message it is either because you have not enabled API connectivity in the TWS and/or you are trying to connect on the wrong port. Refer to the TWS’ API Settings as explained in the error message. See also Connectivity
503 The TWS is out of date and must be upgraded. Indicates TWS or IBG is too old for use with the current API version. Can also be triggered if the TWS version does not support a specific API function.
504 Not connected. You are trying to perform a request without properly connecting and/or after connection to the TWS has been broken probably due to an unhandled exception within your client application.
507 Bad Message Length (Java-only) “Indicates EOF exception was caught while reading from the socket. This can occur if there is an attempt to connect to TWS with a client ID that is already in use, or if TWS is locked, closes, or breaks the connection. It should be handled by the client application and used to indicate that the socket connection is not valid.”
2100 New account data requested from TWS. API client has been unsubscribed from account data. “The TWS only allows one IBApi.EClient.reqAccountUpdates request at a time. If the client application attempts to subscribe to a second account without canceling the previous subscription, the new request will override the old one and the TWS will send this message notifying so.”
2101 Unable to subscribe to account as the following clients are subscribed to a different account. “If a client application invokes IBApi.EClient.reqAccountUpdates when there is an active subscription started by a different client, the TWS will reject the new subscription request with this message.”
2102 Unable to modify this order as it is still being processed. “If you attempt to modify an order before it gets processed by the system, the modification will be rejected. Wait until the order has been fully processed before modifying it. See Placing Orders for further details.”
2103 A market data farm is disconnected. “Indicates a connectivity problem to an IB server. Outside of the nightly IB server reset, this typically indicates an underlying ISP connectivity issue.”
2104 Market data farm connection is OK “A notification that connection to the market data server is ok. This is a notification and not a true error condition, and is expected on first establishing connection.”
2105 A historical data farm is disconnected. “Indicates a connectivity problem to an IB server. Outside of the nightly IB server reset, this typically indicates an underlying ISP connectivity issue.”
2106 A historical data farm is connected. “A notification that connection to the market data server is ok. This is a notification and not a true error condition, and is expected on first establishing connection.”
2107 A historical data farm connection has become inactive but should be available upon demand. “Whenever a connection to the historical data farm is not being used because there is not an active historical data request, the connection will go inactive in IB Gateway. This does not indicate any connectivity issue or problem with IB Gateway. As soon as a historical data request is made the status will change back to active.”
2108 A market data farm connection has become inactive but should be available upon demand. “Whenever a connection to our data farms is not needed, it will become dormant. There is nothing abnormal nor wrong with your client application nor with the TWS. You can safely ignore this message.”
2109 “Order Event Warning: Attribute “”Outside Regular Trading Hours”” is ignored based on the order type and destination. PlaceOrder is now processed.” Indicates the outsideRth flag was set for an order for which there is not a regular vs outside regular trading hour distinction
2110 Connectivity between TWS and server is broken. It will be restored automatically. Indicates a connectivity problem between TWS or IBG and the IB server. This will usually only occur during the IB nightly server reset; cases at other times indicate a problem in the local ISP connectivity.
2137 Cross Side Warning “This warning message occurs in TWS version 955 and higher. It occurs when an order will change the position in an account from long to short or from short to long. To bypass the warning, a new feature has been added to IB Gateway 956 (or higher) and TWS 957 (or higher) so that once can go to Global Configuration > Messages and disable the “”Cross Side Warning””.”
2158 Sec-def data farm connection is OK “A notification that connection to the Security definition data server is ok. This is a notification and not a true error condition, and is expected on first establishing connection.”
2168 Etrade Only Not Supported Warning The EtradeOnly IBApi.Order attribute is no longer supported. Error received with TWS versions 983+. Remove attribute to place order.
2169 Firm Quote Only Not Supported Warning The firmQuoteOnly IBApi.Order attribute is no longer supported. Error received with TWS versions 983+. Remove attribute to place order.
10000 Cross currency combo error.
10001 Cross currency vol error.
10002 Invalid non-guaranteed legs.
10003 IBSX not allowed.
10005 Read-only models.
10006 Missing parent order. The parent order ID specified cannot be found. In some cases this can occur with bracket orders if the child order is placed immediately after the parent order; a brief pause of 50 ms or less will be necessary before the child order is transmitted to TWS/IBG.
10007 Invalid hedge type.
10008 Invalid beta value.
10009 Invalid hedge ratio.
10010 Invalid delta hedge order.
10011 Currency is not supported for Smart combo.
10012 Invalid allocation percentage FaPercentage specified is not valid
10013 Smart routing API error (Smart routing opt-out required).
10014 PctChange limits. This error is deprecated
10015 Trading is not allowed in the API.
10016 Contract is not visible. This error is deprecated
10017 Contracts are not visible. This error is deprecated
10018 Orders use EV warning.
10019 Trades use EV warning.
10020 Display size should be smaller than order size./td> The display size should be smaller than the total quantity
10021 Invalid leg2 to Mkt Offset API. This error is deprecated
10022 Invalid Leg Prio API. This error is deprecated
10023 Invalid combo display size API. This error is deprecated
10024 Invalid don’t start next legin API. This error is deprecated
10025 Invalid leg2 to Mkt time1 API. This error is deprecated
10026 Invalid leg2 to Mkt time2 API. This error is deprecated
10027 Invalid combo routing tag API. This error is deprecated
10090 Part of requested market data is not subscribed. “Indicates that some tick types requested require additional market data subscriptions not held in the account. This commonly occurs for instance if a user has options subscriptions but not the underlying stock so the system cannot calculate the real time greek values (other default ticks will be returned). Or alternatively, if generic tick types are specified in a market data request without the associated subscriptions.”
10148 “OrderId that needs to be cancelled can not be cancelled, state:” An attempt was made to cancel an order that had already been filled by the system.
10186 Requested market data is not subscribed. Delayed market data is not enabled See Market Data Types on how to enable delayed data.
10197 No market data during competing session “Indicates that the user is logged into the paper account and live account simultaneously trying to request live market data using both the accounts. In such a scenario preference would be given to the live account, for more details please refer:”
10225 “Bust event occurred, current subscription is deactivated. Please resubscribe real-time bars immediately”
10230 “You have unsaved FA changes. Please retry ‘request FA’ operation later, when ‘replace FA’ operation is complete” There are pending Financial Advisor configuration changes. See Financial Advisors
10231 The following Groups and/or Profiles contain invalid accounts: “If the account(s) inside Groups or Profiles is/are incorrect in xml-formatted configuration string of replaceFA request, then the error shows list of such Groups and/or Profiles.”
10233 Defaults were inherited from CASH preset during the creation of this order.
10234 The Decision Maker field is required and not set for this order (non-desktop).
10235 The Decision Maker field is required and not set for this order (ibbot).
10236 Child has to be AON if parent order is AON
10237 All or None ticket can route entire unfilled size only
10238 Some error occured during communication with Advisor Setup web-app
10239 This order will affect one or more accounts that are flagged because they do not fit the required risk score criteria prescribed by the group/profile/model allocation.
10240 You must enter a valid Price Cap.
10241 Order Quantity is expressed in monetary terms. Modification is not supported via API. Please use desktop version to revise this order.
10242 Fractional-sized order cannot be modified via API. Please use desktop version to revise this order.
10243 Fractional-sized order cannot be placed via API. Please use desktop version to place this order.
10244 Cash Quantity cannot be used for this order
10245 This financial instrument does not support fractional shares trading
10246 This order doesn’t support fractional shares trading
10247 Only IB SmartRouting supports fractional shares
10248 doesn’t have permission to trade fractional shares
10249 “=””””> order doesn’t support fractional shares”
10250 The size does not conform to the minimum variation of for this contract
10251 Fractional shares are not supported for allocation orders
10252 This non-close-position order doesn’t support fractional shares trading
10253 Clear Away orders are not supported for multi-leg combo with attached hedge.
10254 Invalid Order: bond expired
10268 The ‘EtradeOnly’ order attribute is not supported The EtradeOnly IBApi.Order attribute is no longer supported. Error received with TWS versions 983+
10269 The ‘firmQuoteOnly’ order attribute is not supported The firmQuoteOnly IBApi.Order attribute is no longer supported. Error received with TWS versions 983+
10270 The ‘nbboPriceCap’ order attribute is not supported The nbboPriceCap IBApi.Order attribute is no longer supported. Error received with TWS versions 983+
10276 News feed is not allowed The API client is not permissioned for receiving WSH news feed.
10277 News feed permissions required The API client is not subscribed to receive WSH news feed
10278 Duplicate WSH metadata request A request is already pending for the same API client.
10279 Failed request WSH metadata A general error occurred when processing the request.
10280 Failed cancel WSH metadata A general error occurred when processing the request.
10281 Duplicate WSH event data request A request is already pending for the same API client.
10282 WSH metadata not requested WSH metadata was not requested by first sending a reqWshMetaData request.
10283 Fail request WSH event data A general error occurred when processing the request.
10284 Fail cancel WSH event data A general error occurred when processing the request.
WinError 10038 An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. This indicates socket connection was closed improperly. Typically for Python clients. You may refer :

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